PHOENIX, ARIZONA (Nov. 17, 2021) – The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) Award is one of the most prestigious and comprehensive programs of its kind in the commercial real estate industry, recognizing quality in buildings and rewarding excellence in building management.
BOMA Greater Phoenix, the industry group that advances the commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence, and knowledge, held its 2021 TOBY Award presentation recently at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch, honoring five buildings; judged on community involvement and site management to environmental and “green” policies and procedures.
This year’s winners (by category, building name, management company, property manager):
- 100,000 to 249,999 SF: Three Gateway, Bridge Commercial Real Estate, Janalee Jackson;
- Earth: GSA Professional Office Building, Ryan Companies US, Amanda Forsmo, LEED AP O+M;
- Industrial: Lighting Unlimited, A Brighter Idea, Cory Schneider (building owner);
- Medical Office Building: Joseph’s Westgate Medical Center, Davis Southwest, Kathryn Rhinehart, CPM, RPA, LEED, GA;
- Renovated Building: 201 E. Washington, Transwestern, Monica Greenman, CPM, MBA, RPA.
“It was such an honor to be a part of this year’s TOBY awards as we truly had an amazing group of property managers enter the competition,” said Stephanie Jones, Business Development Manager at Allied Universal Security Services and 2021 TOBY event chair. “Each of their properties were unique, which really allowed the managers to showcase their abilities and skills as it relates to running a smooth commercial real estate operation. We had a great representation of quality commercial buildings and excellence in building management. That is what the TOBY Awards are all about.”
TOBY Award competition consists of three levels. The competition begins at the BOMA local association level, winning entries advance from there to the regional level and regional winners advance to the international level. The international TOBY Awards are presented at the BOMA International Conference & Expo each year.
BOMA Greater Phoenix members include building owners, property managers, asset managers, corporate facility managers, government office building managers, industrial building managers, medical office building professionals, other commercial real estate professionals, and commercial real estate product or services providers.
The format has changed in recent years to include retail and medical office buildings, not just office buildings, said Susan Engstrom, BOMA Greater Phoenix Board Governor and Senior TOBY judge. She is Owner/Manager of SEE-CRE LLC. The award’s name was changed from The Office Building of the Year Award to The Outstanding Building of the Year Awards.
“Changing to The Outstanding Building of the Year opened up the competition to encompass all our buildings,” said Engstrom, who is also serving as BOMA International Awards Chair. “It’s always better to honor more buildings. More property managers feel more included. We feel the name change has made the award more inclusive.
“Doing so also helps people in our industry focus on what the TOBY represents. It’s best practices, best managers, best owners. It’s making a building more Earth-friendly. Trying to decrease the carbon footprint, more conservation, and more enhancement of our communities,” Engstrom said.
About BOMA
The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 93 BOMA U.S. associations, BOMA Canada and its 11 regional associations and 13 BOMA international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 3.7 million jobs and contributes $205 billion to the U.S. GDP. Its mission is to advance the interests of the entire commercial real estate industry through advocacy, education, research, standards and information. BOMA Greater Phoenix has been federated with BOMA International since 1940. For more information about BOMA Greater Phoenix, visit