TEMPE, ARIZ. (September 18, 2017) – Leo Sanchez, Commercial Sales Executive of Major Accounts at Fidelity National Title Agency, has been elected Vice President of the Board of Directors for the W.P. Carey School of Business, Masters of Real Estate Development Alumni Program.
In May Sanchez completed the prestigious W.P. Carey School of Business, MRED Program. Sanchez, who has been with Fidelity Title for two years and in the local real estate industry for 13 years, also holds an MBA with a concentration in finance from Keller Graduate School of Management.
“It’s truly an honor and a privilege to serve on the board,” Sanchez said. “It’s incredible to see how our program has gained exposure nationally and I look forward to the opportunity to work with my fellow alum in the years to come.”
Other board members include Denise Christensen, President, Habitat Metro; Kati Routh, Communications, Glacier House Hotels; Julie Harris, Secretary, SVN; Amanda Donner, Treasurer, independent developer; and Members at-Large Brad Broyles, COBE Real Estate; and Tina Heinbach, Past President, Garrett Development Corporation.
“The program has just started its 12th year and the MRED alumni body has grown to over 300 graduates. It brings great pride that our alums are making an impact as leaders in the real estate industry around the globe,” Christensen said.
The nine-month MRED program prepares participants to lead real estate development projects that are environmentally respectful, socially responsible, and artfully designed. It is a transdisciplinary partnership between four highly regarded schools within Arizona State University: The W. P. Carey School of Business; the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law; the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts; and the Del E. Webb School of Construction.
A native of El Paso, Texas, Sanchez is active in several industry organizations and serves on committees for ULI Arizona and NAIOP Arizona. He is also a member of Valley Partnership. Sanchez has lived in the Valley 17 years. He and his wife, Maricela, volunteer with various nonprofits, working with organizations that serve underprivileged children.